Volume Discount / Success Fee
The idea behind the Volume Discount is that in the event of outstanding results we will all be rewarded. You, by getting a high income, and us, because we've delivered a good performance for you. Similar to webshops and in retail, we agree on a success fee depending on how successful you are with us on the site. We use this fee mainly to further invest in growth, staff and the platform. Each percentage applies over the relevant part of the turnover.
| target | percentage |
step 1 | < € 10.000 | no fee |
step 2 | € 10.000 - € 12.500 | 5% |
step 3 | € 12.500 - € 15.000 | 10% |
step 4 | € 15.000 - € 17.500 | 17,5% |
step 5 | € 17.500 - € 20.000 | 22,5% |
step 6 | € 20.000 - € 22.500 | 25% |
step 7 | € 22.500 - € 100.000 | 30% |
step 8 | > € 100.000 | 35% |
Calculation example: if you earn €12,500 through us in 2023, the success fee is €125. If you earn €15,000 then the success fee is 125 + 250 = 375 euros. So that's 5% over the amount between 10,000 and 12,500 euros and 10% over the amount between 12,500 and 15,000 euros = 375 euros
Every quarter we will send you an update where you are on this list.
We will invoice the final amount with the last update at the end of this year. After this, the Volume Discount is reset again for the next year